Monday, November 28, 2011

T-minus 1 month until Asia

As of yesterday it is only a month until I head off on my next trip to Southeast Asia! Needless to say I am rather excited.

So where am I at for planning? Pretty much everything is booked except my accommodation in Indonesia which I’ll organise when I get there which is daunting for an obsessive planner like myself. Apart from that Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and my two stopovers in Malaysia are all over and I just need to buy travel insurance and my trip home from Sydney.

So what am I looking forward to? This is my top 5

  1. Seeing all my friends in Indonesia (both Indonesian friends and Aussie mates studying there)
  2. Working for an NGO for 2 months
  3. Angkor Wat- I’ve dreamt about that place ever since Lara Croft went there.
  4. Phnom Penh and the Killing Fields which are going to be tragic and awful but it’s an important part of history
  5. Eating Vietnamese food- I’m pretty keen to spend a whole day eating in Saigon.

I think most of all I’m just excited to get back into the Asian holiday pattern of chilled out, slow travel getting in touch with culture and really immersing myself in life there.

Also the recent sales at the adventure stores around town (especially Kathmandu- damn you summit club membership) has resulted in me spending far too much money on new clothes for my trip. Hiking pants are so comfortable that buying 3 pairs doesn’t seem excessive. I’ve also invested in Birkenstocks and I must say they are actually the most comfortable shoes my feet have ever had the pleasure of wearing. They are the equivalent of track pants for the feet. No matter how ugly they might be (they aren’t that bad) I love my new birkies!

That’s it for now. I’ll update in a few more days I have a few more posts in my head just need inspiration to write them!


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